Local Color

Make Plans NOW for Fantasy Fest’s Masquerade March

Thousands of costumed revelers will promenade through Key West's historic Old Town Oct. 26 during the offbeat Masquerade March, a highlight of the annual Fantasy Fest costuming and masking festival. Famed as “the locals’ parade,” the march typically draws spirited bands and merrymakers wearing everything from lavish feathered and sequined creations to quirky ensembles inspired by the festival theme.

By |2018-09-25T19:55:13-04:00September 25, 2018|

‘Flamingle’ Encounter Enchants Flamingo Fans in Key West

How does it feel to a have an up-close and personal encounter with two exotic pink flamingos? Nature lovers can find out during the exclusive “Flamingle” experience at the Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory — believed to be the only butterfly facility in the entire United States that also houses flamingos.

By |2021-03-24T10:57:17-04:00August 29, 2018|

Sea Turtle Time in the Keys!

It's sea turtle nesting and hatching season in the Florida Keys — AND two sea turtles rehabilitated at Marathon's Turtle Hospital were recently released to take part in the famed Tour de Turtles. Keys visitors and residents are buzzing about heartwarming video of brand-new hatchlings and the chance to track the Tour de Turtles "competitors" online.

By |2021-05-13T16:00:20-04:00August 15, 2018|

‘Islands of the Arts’ Debut Distinctive Sculpture Trail

Intriguing artistry can be seen along the Florida Keys Overseas Highway that traverses the length of the island chain — including, thanks to two Key West philanthropists, the large-scale pieces that make up the new Florida Keys Sculpture Trail. The 81-mile trail stretches along the highway from Islamorada to Key West, where the distinctive sculptures can be easily discovered and admired by art lovers.

By |2021-05-13T16:00:23-04:00August 8, 2018|

Lower Keys Reef and Wreck Are Paradise for Divers

Divers in the Lower Keys can explore wonders such as Looe Key Reef, one of the most beautiful shallow reefs to be found, and the 210-foot Adolphus Busch Sr. Intentionally sunk as an artificial reef in December 1998, today the Busch is populated by marine life including huge southern stingrays, reef sharks and massive schools of tarpon.

By |2018-07-31T15:27:07-04:00July 31, 2018|

The ‘Papa’ and Paula

Paula Deen’s husband, Michael Groover, looks a lot like Ernest Hemingway. So much, in fact, that he triumphed over 150 other entrants to win the 2018 Sloppy Joe’s Hemingway® Look-Alike Contest, the undisputed highlight of Key West’s annual Hemingway Days festival.

By |2021-05-13T15:49:48-04:00July 25, 2018|

Bring Your Key West Memories Home

Key West and the Florida Keys are defined by a laid-back vibe, an atmosphere of welcome and acceptance, and an approach to living that blends individuality and a near-reverence for relaxation. And once you get home, you can create a space that allows you to recapture that magical Key West mindset.

By |2021-05-13T15:41:43-04:00June 18, 2018|

Captain Finbar’s Seafaring Spirit

Captain Finbar Gittelman, a roguish Florida Keys seafarer, bears a slightly unnerving resemblance to the fierce Barbossa from “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Owner and master of the majestic Schooner Wolf, he’s also the venerable First Sea Lord and Supreme Commander of the Keys’ picturesque Conch Republic Navy. Yet despite his imposing titles, most people simply call him “Finbar."

By |2018-06-06T19:50:52-04:00June 6, 2018|
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