KEY WEST, Florida Keys — Anglers targeting marlin and other fish are to compete for $50,000 in guaranteed cash prizes in the 2009 Drambuie Key West Marlin Tournament, scheduled Wednesday through Saturday, July 22-25.

The popular tournament is held in conjunction with Key West’s annual Hemingway Days celebration, which runs Tuesday through Sunday, July 21-26. Ernest Hemingway, an avid sportfisherman, lived and wrote in Key West throughout the 1930s and fought countless marlin in area waters.

Teams that accumulate the most points for blue marlin, white marlin and spearfish during the tournament’s three fishing days are to split a guaranteed $40,000 in cash.

The first-place team earns $25,000, while second- and third-place prizes are $10,000 and $5,000, respectively. Teams also can enter one fun fish (dolphin, tuna, wahoo or released sailfish) per boat per day to add to their point total.

All marlin must be tagged and released unless their weight exceeds 600 pounds.

Boats entered in the marlin division can pay an additional fee to compete for $10,000 cash to be awarded in the fun fish division. Cash prizes are to be presented for the three heaviest dolphin, three heaviest tuna (yellowfin, blackfin and skipjack) and three heaviest wahoo.

The Drambuie Key West Marlin Tournament is to kick off with a final registration at the Conch Republic Seafood Co., 631 Greene St., set for 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, July 22. A captains meeting is to begin at 6 p.m. with a tournament auction and raffle to follow.

Lines are to be in the water from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday, July 23 and 24, and from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 25. Weigh-ins are scheduled for 4-6 p.m. Thursday and Friday and 3-5 p.m. Saturday at the Conch Republic Seafood Co. docks.

Thursday’s weigh-in is to be followed by a cocktail party and Key West–style pig roast dinner at the Doubletree Grand Key Resort, 3990 S. Roosevelt Blvd.

Following Friday’s weigh-in, anglers can enjoy 6:30 p.m. dockside cocktails and a fish fry at Key West Harbour Yacht Club, 6000 Peninsular Ave. The tournament awards banquet is scheduled for Saturday, July 25, at the Marriott Key West Beachside Hotel, 3841 N. Roosevelt Blvd. Cocktails and a silent auction are to begin at 6:30 p.m., with dinner and awards presentations starting at 7:30 p.m.

Tournament entry fees are $1,500 per boat before June 15 and $1,800 per boat after that date for two anglers to compete in the marlin division and attend tournament social activities. Marlin division competitors can qualify for cash prizes in the fun fish division for an extra $300 entry fee per boat.

There is no maximum number of anglers per boat, and additional anglers over two can register for $200 apiece, which includes social privileges. Additional social tickets can be purchased for $150 each.

For more information about the Drambuie Key West Marlin Tournament, call (305) 292-2710, e-mail or visit

For lodging information in Key West, contact the Key West Chamber of Commerce at 1-800-LAST-KEY (800-527-8539), or explore this Web site.

The popular marlin tournament is held in conjunction with Key West’s annual Hemingway Days celebration, which runs Tuesday through Sunday, July 21-26.

The popular marlin tournament is held in conjunction with Key West’s annual Hemingway Days celebration, which runs Tuesday through Sunday, July 21-26.
