Keys Traveler Introduces ‘Locals’ Choice’
One of the reasons so many people visit the Florida Keys each year is the island chain’s casual, quirky atmosphere. And the best way to absorb that atmosphere is to forget you’re a visitor.
How? Simply adjust your mind-set. Stop thinking of yourself as a “tourist” and instead self-identify as a “temporary local.”
Why? Because if you adopt the tourist mind-set, you’re all too likely to limit your experience to typical tourist activities. But if you think of yourself as a local — even if it’s only for a few days — you’re more likely to search out and embrace off-the-beaten-path pursuits that longtime residents enjoy. And that will make your vacation experience far richer.
To help you do that, Keys Traveler is introducing a monthly Locals’ Choice section. Each month, you’ll “meet” a resident of the island chain who will share insights into the Keys way of life, along with suggestions on how you can experience it.
That might include advice about local favorite activities, cultural hotspots, unforgettable restaurant dishes, natural-world hideaways, lesser-known special events, on-the-water adventures or must-try experiences.
Many visitors to the Keys discover that when they sit down at a bar or coffee house, they’re likely to make a new local friend (or two) who’s happy to suggest activities and places to check out. You’ll find those friends in Locals’ Choice too.
Every year, countless people flock to the Florida Keys for a vacation escape from the stresses of the “real world.” Let Locals’ Choice be your guide to doing it the right way — by adopting the “temporary local” outlook, enjoying away-from-the-mainstream offerings and embracing the easygoing lifestyle that makes the Florida Keys so beautifully unforgettable.