Key West

Key West’s 58-Year-Old Tournament Promotes Fishery and Fun

Nearly 60 years ago, Captain Gainey Maxwell conceived a way to encourage people to visit and fish Florida Keys waters — and then come back to do it again. He called it the Key West Fishing Tournament. Today, an impressive 46 backcountry and offshore species are targeted during the free-entry tournament’s eight-month span.

By |2022-11-09T14:41:14-05:00November 9, 2022|

Expect “Cartoon Chaos” and World-Class Costumes at Fantasy Fest

Revelers can express their creativity by donning dazzling costumes during Key West’s Fantasy Fest, set for Oct. 21-30 and themed “Cult Classics & Cartoon Chaos.” The fabulous festival features masquerade parties, costume contests, music and theater shows, themed events — and a lavish grand parade of massive motorized floats and elaborately garbed marching groups.

By |2022-10-19T15:37:19-04:00October 19, 2022|

The ‘Code of the Keys’ Guides Eco-Protection Practices

Florida Keys residents, and others who love the island chain, are guided by a code of conduct designed to protect the region’s amazing natural environment. Its core is the 10 Keymandments — a lighthearted yet informative set of recommendations for enjoying meaningful, memorable experiences while respecting and helping to preserve the Keys’ treasured eco-realm.

By |2022-10-12T13:02:15-04:00October 12, 2022|

George Bellenger: Steward of the Natural Backcountry

George Bellenger, who co-founded Key West Eco Tours with wife Carla 20 years ago, believes that even a five-minute commitment helps with preserving the Keys’ natural backcountry and dense mangrove islands. The Bellengers’ backcountry eco-tours are operated from the Geiger Key Paddle Hut out of Geiger Key Marina fish camp and RV park.

By |2022-10-05T14:20:52-04:00October 5, 2022|

After Ian: Florida Keys Update

Most people who care about the Florida Keys probably know that the island chain felt some impacts from Hurricane Ian’s tropical storm-force winds and storm surge when Ian passed well to the west of Key West. So this week, Keys Voices breaks from its usual format to provide readers a post-Ian update.

By |2022-10-02T19:26:58-04:00September 28, 2022|

The Day Queen Elizabeth Visited the Florida Keys

On May 18, 1991, Queen Elizabeth II paid a visit to the Florida Keys on the Royal Yacht Britannia. Thirty-one years later, as the world mourns the gracious British monarch’s death, it seems only fitting to recall that day — and Her Majesty’s encounter with the unofficial queen of the island chain, Wilhelmina Harvey.

By |2022-09-14T18:23:07-04:00September 14, 2022|

Discover Seafood with a Florida Keys Twist

In the Florida Keys, fresh fish and seafood are menu staples at most popular restaurants. It’s easy to find just-caught snapper, grouper and mahi-mahi served grilled, blackened or fried. In addition, many chefs and restaurateurs in the island chain enjoy showcasing “only in the Keys” dishes, unusual species or innovative preparation techniques.

By |2022-09-07T14:40:23-04:00September 7, 2022|

Girls Just Want to Have Fun … at Key West’s Womenfest

For several thousand women, Key West is the place to be in early September. It’s the place to enjoy adventures in Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico waters, entertainment and parties with like-minded people, and relaxation on an accepting subtropical island — all during the island city’s annual Womenfest celebration set for Sept. 7-11.

By |2022-08-10T19:30:52-04:00August 10, 2022|
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