Key West residents have always wholeheartedly embraced our local performing arts community. It’s more evident than ever with all the unique Florida Keys theaters, each flourishing and drawing record attendance. The type of performances held at each venue run the gamut from top-tier concerts in genres ranging from classical to rock, to theatrical productions and comedy and variety specials — many of them locally produced.

Following a variety show format, “Pride Follies” is to entertain audiences with the talents of local performers.
Given that, it’s wonderfully appropriate that Key West launches its annual Pride celebration with a theatrical performance aptly named “Pride Follies.” Attending this year’s event is a fantastic way to kick-start your Key West Pride week festivities. The production’s format is similar to an old-fashioned vaudeville-type show with a wide array of local talent delighting audiences.
The performance will take place at 8 p.m. Saturday, June 2, at the Key West Theater at 512 Eaton St. The historic theater dates back to 1848 (and I thought I was old!) when it was built as the First Baptist Church of Key West. After various incarnations, including concert and dance venues, the site was transformed into a fantastic performing arts center that blends in perfectly with the island’s historically rich Old Town.
“Pride Follies” mirrors the old theme of Ed Sullivan’s “Toast of the Town,” and showcases our exceptionally skilled resident performers. The variety show is infamous for having the best of our local performing arts community (and sometimes NOT the best as well!). Don’t get me wrong — Key Westers love to attend professional performances, but also enjoy a bit of humor and camp to “mix it up” a bit.

“Pride Follies” audiences can expect unique performances by talented entertainers like the lovely Elle — as well as a few tantalizing surprises. (Photo by Peter Arnow)
The “Follies” will be directed and emceed by entertainer/bartender Rick Dery again this year, and he certainly knows how to entertain a crowd. You can always expect him to deliver an incredibly dynamic variety show. Acts are likely to range from vocals to dancing programs — maybe with a saucy burlesque performance to pique your imaginative senses.
The doors open at 7 p.m., providing plenty of time to mingle before the 8 p.m. performance. The Key West Theater offers full bar service and seating both downstairs and on an upper mezzanine. Although the venue has a light snack menu, you may want to grab a nosh prior to the performance at any of the fabulous restaurants within walking distance of the theater.
Tickets start at $15 for general admission; table seating is available for $25 and $30. Tickets can be purchased online or at the theater box office on the night of the show.
“Pride Follies” benefits the Key West Business Guild, which is celebrating its 40th year of promoting gay and lesbian tourism to Key West — and is the producer of our amazing Pride week each June.
The guild also operates the Gay Key West Visitor Center at 808 Duval St. Walk-in guests can expect a warm “One Human Family” welcome and an informative introduction to the island and its events, local businesses and area attractions.
So why not begin your Pride festivities this year with a whimsical and thrilling evening of entertainment at “Pride Follies”? You’re guaranteed to discover why Key Westers are so PROUD of our island’s performing arts community.
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