Only in the Keys
"Only in the Keys!" has become a common response from people hearing about everything from a Key West parade for dachshunds to mermaids attending a Lower Keys music festival (FYI, these are both actual things).
"Only in the Keys!" has become a common response from people hearing about everything from a Key West parade for dachshunds to mermaids attending a Lower Keys music festival (FYI, these are both actual things).
Rob Mitchell, owner of Key Largo's Keys Diver, relishes the diving tourism business and the island lifestyle. He also takes protecting the Florida Keys personally — making it his mission to share ways divers can help protect the oceans for generations to come.
Scientists and enthusiastic volunteers planted 200 live coral fragments June 13 in the waters off Key West’s Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park — launching an effort to restore coral reef tracts and establish a public snorkel park that’s easily accessible.
Journalist Robert Silk has a great love for the Florida Keys’ natural world. Recently his outdoor outlook inspired him to write “An Eco-Tourist’s Guide to the Everglades & the Florida Keys,” and here he offers insights into his favorite activities and places in the region’s fascinating natural environment.
The United States’ National Park Service celebrates its 100th birthday in 2016. And if you’re visiting the Florida Keys, you have a great opportunity to learn, discover and be inspired by two national parks that can be reached from the island chain.
Ben Daughtry’s passion for creating educational experiences in marine conservation led him to open Florida Keys Aquarium Encounters — where visitors can enjoy immersive experiences with reef fish, invertebrates, stingrays and even sharks without entering the ocean.
Family vacations in the Florida Keys mean moms, dads and kids can enjoy adrenaline-fueled fun in the 125-mile island chain that parallels the continental United States’ only living coral reef.
Slip away to the southernmost outpost in the continental U.S. this spring to soak up the salt air, sweet breezes and irresistibly laid-back vibe.
Captain Lain Goodwin, owner of Dirty Waters Charters, knows that muddy waters — where fresh water spills from Florida Bay’s backcountry and Everglades National Park into the Gulf of Mexico’s salty waters — are rich with the world’s best fishing.
For thousands of scuba divers and snorkelers who visit the Florida Keys annually, and want to log amazing dives along the continental United States’ only living coral barrier reef, there’s no better place to do it than Islamorada.