
Seven Mile Bridges: Enduring Florida Keys Icons

The Seven Mile Bridge, the focal point of the famed Florida Keys Overseas Highway, is a fascinating engineering marvel that quite simply stuns the senses. Rising in an arc toward its center, the 35-year-old Middle Keys bridge offers sweeping panoramic views of a picturesque horizon where turquoise-colored seas meet an almost impossibly blue sky.

By |2018-03-07T19:07:45-05:00March 7, 2018|

‘Only in the Keys’ Offerings Enliven Cultural Scene

With a unique history as the home of world-renowned authors, and a natural beauty that has inspired generations of artists, the Florida Keys feature cultural offerings that can’t be found anywhere else. And that means you can find a wide range of “only in the Keys” experiences along the island chain this winter and spring — so start exploring!

By |2020-04-07T13:26:51-04:00February 7, 2018|

Mario’s Magic

Mario Sanchez depicted the Key West of his youth, and its often eccentric inhabitants, with intricate detail and affectionate humor. The late Mario was called the greatest Cuban-American folk artist of the 20th century, and he was recently inducted into the Smithsonian American Art Museum -- the first Key West artist to earn this honor.

By |2018-01-10T16:25:16-05:00January 10, 2018|

January is for Foodies in the Florida Keys

This January, food and wine enthusiasts can sample the the Florida Keys' culinary delights at five fantastic cuisine celebrations. Each one spotlights local chefs’ creativity, indigenous ingredients like unparalleled fresh fish and seafood, and premium wines. And the Keys' subtropical weather provides another "tasty" reason for a January escape to the welcoming island chain.

By |2018-01-06T23:20:06-05:00December 27, 2017|

Key West’s Red Shoe Drop: Dorothy, You’re Not in Kansas Anymore

Celebrate New Year's Eve in Key West by watching beloved drag queen Sushi, perched in a super-sized red high-heel shoe, "drop" to famed Duval Street in a wacky takeoff on the Times Square ball drop. The Key West event marks its 20th anniversary this year -- and features celebrity guest host Austin Armacost, best known for Logo TV’s “The A-List.”

By |2017-12-06T18:42:32-05:00December 6, 2017|

A Crowning Achievement for the Florida Keys’ AIDS Help

Who were the monarchs that reigned over Key West's 2017 Fantasy Fest celebration? "King" Paul Murphy, "Queen" Destiny Montgomery, "Duke" Bucky Montgomery and "Duchess" Vicki Hodgson — a royal family that earned their titles by raising more than $129,000 for the Florida Keys' AIDS Help organization!

By |2017-11-07T23:10:37-05:00November 7, 2017|

Recalling Jimmy Buffett’s ‘Key West Heart’ Concert

Thousands of Jimmy Buffett's fervent "Parrot Head" fans are gathered in Key West, widely known as the cradle of Buffett’s creativity, to celebrate his music and the “Margaritaville mindset” it inspires. This “Keys Voices” column looks back at a surprise concert Jimmy performed during the Parrot Heads' visit in 2011 — and his spontaneous comments that revealed an undiminished affection for the island city.

By |2017-11-01T21:30:50-04:00November 1, 2017|

Why People Go ‘Crab Crazy’ in the Keys

Once the stone crab season began Oct. 15, the savory claws started starring on the menus of top Keys restaurants — triggering a virtual stampede of savvy seafood aficionados. That's because the claws contain sweet and scrumptious meat that’s among the Keys’ most popular (and deservedly famous) delicacies.

By |2017-10-25T16:32:01-04:00October 25, 2017|
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