
Treat Yourself to a Soul-Centered Getaway in the Florida Keys

A Florida Keys vacation is an opportunity for personal renewal and meaningful pursuits that nurture body, mind and spirit. A respite for replenishing the stress-depleted soul while connecting to a genuine culture, community and lifestyle. And a perfect chance to experience “unplugged” relaxation and in-the-moment activities that support personal wellness.

By |2023-05-10T17:25:15-04:00May 10, 2023|

Celebrate the Florida Keys’ 200th Birthday With Four Festive Events

Commemorate the Florida Keys’ bicentennial with a sunset celebration on the Middle Keys’ Old Seven Mile Bridge, a gala sea-to-table dinner in Islamorada, a family-style waterfront picnic in Key Largo, and Lower Keys festivities and fireworks featuring the creation of the world’s largest Key lime pie. All activities salute the Keys’ 200th birthday.

By |2023-05-26T18:42:11-04:00May 3, 2023|

Tom Sweets: Steward of Key West Wildlife Center

Tom Sweets, executive director of the Key West Wildlife Center, discovered his calling by volunteering at the center, providing rescue and rehabilitative care to sick and injured wild birds. The center, located inside the 7-acre Indigenous Park on White Street, treats and rehabilitates about 1,400 wild birds and other Keys creatures each year.

By |2023-04-26T13:05:04-04:00April 26, 2023|

Papio Kinetic Sculpture Parade Salutes Earth Day and Keys Artist

The legacy of Florida Keys sculptor Stanley Papio, a pioneer of recycled art, is being celebrated on Earth Day 2023 with a colorful people-powered parade of recycled and repurposed artistic creations. The Papio Kinetic Sculpture and Art Bike Parade features sculptural floats with moving parts, decorated bicycles and other mobile works of art.

By |2023-04-19T12:30:34-04:00April 19, 2023|

Three Meaningful Ways to Observe Earth Day in the Keys

Every day brings a reason to celebrate the planet’s beauty in the Florida Keys — an area of natural wonders set against a backdrop of sea, land and sky. And this coming Earth Day, Keys visitors and residents can honor the environment with activities that include helping restore the island chain’s treasured coral reef.

By |2023-04-12T17:53:55-04:00April 12, 2023|

Never, EVER Say “Kontch”

If you’ve spent time in the Florida Keys, you’re aware that Keys residents are generally easygoing and friendly. But unless you want to make them cringe, don’t ever say “kontch” — because the widely-used word “conch,” despite its spelling, is properly pronounced “konk.” Especially at the upcoming birthday party for the Keys’ Conch Republic.

By |2023-04-05T15:32:11-04:00April 5, 2023|

John Mirabella: Steward of Keys Lionfish Removal

John Mirabella, owner of the Castaway restaurant in Marathon, could well be called the “Lionfish King” of the Florida Keys. The affable natural storyteller is known as a pioneering lionfish hunter, recognized for spearheading efforts to remove the invasive non-native species from Keys waters — and for serving the flavorful fish in numerous ways.

By |2023-03-30T16:49:31-04:00March 29, 2023|

Pigeons, Planes and the Birth of Pan Am

Most people don’t know it, but Key West played a major role in the history of international air travel. In 1927, the island was the birthplace of one-time aviation giant Pan American Airlines. Actually, its aviation heritage dates back to 1920, when the pioneering Aeromarine Airways began America’s first official international airmail service.

By |2023-03-22T11:45:18-04:00March 22, 2023|

We’re Different in the Keys

We do things differently in the Florida Keys. Maybe it’s because the island chain attracts individualists — fans of the eccentric. But whatever the reason, our activities and celebrations tend to have an offbeat twist that’s pure “Keys.” And nothing illustrates it better than the way we recently commemorated Groundhog Day and Valentine’s Day.

By |2023-03-15T17:01:58-04:00March 15, 2023|

Key West Concert and Drone ‘Fireworks’ to Launch Florida Keys’ 200th Birthday

Celebrate the bicentennial of the subtropical Florida Keys island chain throughout 2023, starting with the “200 Years of Paradise Kick-off Concert” and dazzling drone show Saturday, March 25, in Key West. Events salute the 200th anniversary of the Florida legislature’s founding of Monroe County, which contains the entire Keys, on July 3, 1823.

By |2023-03-08T16:11:06-05:00March 8, 2023|
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